Wednesday, March 2, 2011

ns installation and configuration.

After a lot of hurdles finally it was possible for me to configure ns and I am now able to successfully run a script.

Following link provided me the necessary setup:

Steps that i followed were :

tar -xzf "package-name-of-ns-without-quotes"
cd "directory-name-of-ns-without-quotes"

gedit ~/.bashrc (appended at the end of this file)

export PATH=$PATH:"path to the directory location of ns with the directory-name of the package without the quotes"/bin:"path to the directory location of ns with the directory-name of the package without the quotes"/tcl8.5.8/unix:"path to the directory location of ns with the directory-name of the package without the quotes"/tk8.5.8/unix

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"path to the directory location of ns with the directory-name of the package without the quotes"/otcl-1.14:"path to the directory location of ns with the directory-name of the package without the quotes"/lib

export TCL_LIBRARY=$TCL_LIBRARY:"path to the directory location of ns with the directory-name of the package without the quotes"/tcl8.5.8/library

and then

cd ns-2.35 (in the ns directory)
./validate (this will take about one hour, atleast it took on my system)

The reader may have to install some other packages like autoconf,automake,libxmu-dev, libxt-dev,libx11-dev,gcc/c++,x11proto-dev.

A tutorial that I followed:

Useful instructions for installing and configuring is also given at: