Saturday, August 27, 2011

Working with form object in javascript

It took me three days to learn and come up with a solution of how to handle the event of updating a column based on any change in some other corresponding row with some operation being done.
For example,the following function takes the index 'k' of a text field in the first form in the document and handles two successively next text fields.It multiplies the integer entered in the text field at index 'k' with a float at index 'k+1' and writes in the text box at index 'k+2'.This can be done for any number of rows in the table provided the corresponding index is given.The function is as follows:

function total(k){
oForm = document.forms[0];
oText1 = oForm.elements[k];
oText2 = oForm.elements[k+1];
oForm.elements[k+2].value = parseInt(oText1.value) * parseFloat(oText2.value);

The radices may be checked according to use.
From html part,the above function can be called from the text box having index 'k'.I used 'onkeyup' to call this function with an index 'k' which had value according to the index of the text box.The reader may work on the probable index according to his/her use which may include the number of columns in the table.
Any other inputs from readers are welcome and appreciated.Thank you all for reading.

Summer school on security and privacy,2011

Many days have passed when I attended summer school on security and privacy conducted by Microsoft this year.But memories are still there based on which I am writing this blog.It has been a great learning experience where I got to listen to eminent speakers from different geographies in an environment of several budding researchers not only from India but also from abroad.I had a chance to talk to several scholars of masters and PhDs from different universities in India.All of them had a fire in them to do something under this umbrella.For the first time I came across the topic called "privacy" in so much of detail.Several topics in security and privacy were taken up which were more than sufficient to light up the same fire in me to go deep into this area.I must say that the researchers from Microsoft are very helpful and whatever I had questions about,were answered by them.I appreciate several activities like panel discussions,question-answers,group picture,etc which were taken up during the school.The readers are suggested to go through the website Summer school on security and privacy, 2011 to have a detailed information about the topics covered,the speakers and for future reference which may be useful for them to apply for the next summer school.At the end I would say that overall the summer school was very much useful for me to decide my career path and to have a knowledge of not only several topics but also what and how different researchers think and work.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Last week experience

So now as I am sitting idle and looking back, I realize that everything was for a reason. Last week was a very learning experience for me when I was working in a team. I never came across learning anything that a manager does but it was the week when I learnt several activities that a program manager does. A very energetic man that I came to know even more was Peter. He has immense energy and working power. Kara, Lucas, Sayanta, Sayan and Jenn were my team members. I learnt various lessons from each one of my team members. Here is a guy named Adam who has the capability to accept even the failures. It was the time when he unknowingly taught me the art of acceptance. A very intelligent pretty girl I came across was Anna who, at least I would say, is by far the fastest note taker that I have seen. Everyone in the group has something to share.
One of the lessons that I got was that even if I had worked on similar projects earlier, I had to struggle hard to learn and then implement the technology I was new to, though the concept remained similar. Overall it was a great week for me for everything I learnt and experienced.
I don't know when and where I will have a chance to work with such a great team.